Sou's Voice

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Life lessons from heavy metal music

Because of my husband and brother, who are heavy metal musicians, I started listening to this art form. Initially, I tried to understand the music and the emotions behind it, and I was disappointed. Over time, I have started to stop trying to ‘understand’ heavy metal music instead, I just listen and be present. Surprisingly, I started liking it. That is all it takes - just be present and observe in a nonjudgmental mode. 

This article by Ryan Holiday beautifully describes the emotion and thought process behind someone embracing this not-so-mellow music genre. Apparently, heavy metal music appeals to people who consider themselves as outliers and struggle to fit in. 

Many of us fail to see the artistry behind the heavy metal music. Here’s what the author saw.

Despite not being a mainstream music, how did this genre of music survive and has been thriving? This is where Kevin Kelly’s 1000 True Fans concept comes into play. 

The author mentions how heavy metal turned out to be more than just music. 

Lastly, the point that most resonated with me was how music could help tune out distractions while you work and how it can ruin the ‘music’ element.

All that said about being an outlier and trying to fit in, if only people knew that average is just a myth and hence, there is no point trying to fit in, would we still enjoy heavy metal music? Something to ponder on.