Art for adults
I have seen many parents waiting for kids outside classrooms while the kids take their art classes and have always wondered whether these parents take art classes for themselves. If you think about it, the reason we send our children to art classes holds applicable for many of us as well.
Children must undergo art education as it encourages persistence and also, helps in expressing complex emotions. Through persistence, we learn patience and concentration. Expressing feelings is vital, especially for kids since children have limited vocabulary.
However, all these are applicable to adults as well. I have seen parents who are impatient and gets easily distracted. I have also, seen adults who struggle to express and communicate their thoughts. A few experts have suggested solutions that encourage adults to move out of their comfort zones.
Therefore, the next time when we reason to send our kids to learning something, it would be good to consider whether we need to learn it as well.
Adler and Doren in their book, How to read a book talks about language's limitations in conveying knowledge. This restriction in the medium of communication in human beings could be one of the reasons people fight, break up and go through divorces even though we tend to put the blame on the people involved. Maybe it is not the people but the medium - language that has the problem. Art forms substitute for the limitation the language provides.
We know for a fact that children's drawings are necessary since children cannot articulate and express many of their emotions as their vocabulary is not entirely developed. However, even when we become adults despite the fact that our vocabulary is more developed than when we were children, the language still has its limitations, as mentioned above. This makes a case for why adults need to continue their arts education. After all, adults are just overgrown children with bills to pay.
“Children’s art shouldn’t be just thought endearing, it’s a map of how we should sometime to remember to be.”
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